Yellow-throated Laughing Thrush

Garrulax galbanus


Order Passeriformes


Dark blue crown and flight feathers, black face, yellow throat and breast.


India, Burma, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China.


While not "officially" endangered, this bird is extremely threatened in the wild.

Photo © Greg Neise



Tall grasslands intermixed with trees and shrubs.
Ground-feeding insectivore.

Life History

The breeding season is April through June. The nest is built in the fork of a bush and consists of a cup made of grass and twigs, lined with grass seed stems. Female lays 2 - 4 white to pale blue eggs. 13 - 15 day incubation period.

Special Adaptations

  • In the wild these birds are usually found in pairs or small groups; occasionally seen in widely scattered flocks. Captive birds also exhibit highly social behaviors (i.e. cooperative breeding, in which several individuals assist in caring for the young.)